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The Trials Of Home Visits

25 August 2023

FINANCIAL PLANNERS – I was reminiscing recently about home visits with some young pup planners who’d never done them before and therefore never experienced the joys (or not)…..

Although they definitely helped build my character, here’s my list of things that I still have nightmares about. See how many you recognise!

Countryside Houses – In the days before Sat Nav, I had a boot full of A-Z maps in the car but still spent many a night driving down un-signposted country lanes looking for an invisible house with no name or number. In the middle of nowhere. In the dark.

The Blank Look – You’ve worked all day in the office and skipped dinner in order to see your client at 8pm in their home. But when you knock on the door and they finally open it, the blank look in their eyes immediately tells you very clearly that they’ve forgotten all about it! (despite your confirmation call the day before) – cue panic, fuss and apologies as they invite you in to wait in the living room whilst they finish dinner.

The Dog – Dog owners love their dogs. Some financial planners love dogs. But when they’ve nicked your pen for the 15th time, dribbled on your suit, and jumped all over your paperwork, even the most ardent dog lover gets a little miffed.

The TV –  I don’t know what it is but some people just seem unable to turn their TV off. Maybe they think the dulcet tones of Phil Mitchell in the background will add that much-needed atmosphere to your carefully crafted financial planning process.

The Uninterested Partner – You’re trying to explain your fantastic financial planning process and get your client’s focus on making decisions, yet one partner is busying themselves doing jobs around the house while occasionally shouting from another room, ‘Don’t worry, I’m still listening’. Spoiler alert. They’re not.

The Cesspit – The feeling when you step into a house and feel like you’ve just walked into a Channel 5 documentary. I’ve been in houses where I’ve wiped my feet on the way out and then ran home to get a shower.

The Smoker – Not many people smoke today but back in the day it was more than most and who is to deny a man a smoke in his own living room? The advantage was that you had to work fast as the more the time went on the lower the cloud of smoke hung in the room and you slouched down in your chair to get some air and be able to see your client.

And if you want to hear about my worst-ever experience on a home visit then you need to watch the video – trust me, it’s bad. – Software, Training & Business Services for Financial Planners


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