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Client Relationship Management

Discovery Updates

Triggered, Periodic, Accurate

When providing ongoing financial planning or advice services, it is important that the information that you hold on your clients is periodically reviewed and updated. 

The Discovery Update function allows you to create templates of client data items that you would like to be reviewed and updated at specific intervals, or on particular occasions, for example at an Annual Review. 

Once the Discovery Update template is triggered, your client is prompted to review the data that is currently held and update it with any new information. 

You can review any suggested changes before deciding whether to accept or amend them. 

Update, Demonstrate Satisfy

Questionnaires can also be triggered at periodic intervals to take into account that your client’s thoughts, motivations and behaviours may change as they move through life. 

The Discovery Update feature also allows you to satisfy your regulatory responsibilities by being able to demonstrate that you always have up to date ‘know your client’ information on file. 


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