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Adviser Payments & Pay Aways

Custom, Configurable, Specific

The intuitive Pay Aways Feature allows you to manage revenue share arrangements, including adviser payments, introducer fees, and team bonus incentives. 

Pay Away schemes can be created to cater for a range of custom requirements. Payees can be either internal team members or external introducers. 

Automatic revenue sharing can be configured, with specific terms for different product types and transactions, and can be applied to both initial, and ongoing charges – with default terms specified so that pay -aways are automatically created, when relevant transactions and revenue are confirmed. 

Calculate, Track, Trigger

Pay Away terms can be automatically calculated based on a range of criteria including fixed fees, percentage of revenue, or percentage of funds under advice. Potential clawback terms can also be specified and automatically applied. 

Using the integrated Report Builder, pay aways can be tracked and triggered for payment when the associated revenue is received and adviser statements produced automatically. 

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