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Big Questions vs Little Questions

13 May 2023

FINANCIAL PLANNERS, does size really matter?

Absolutely. Yes.

When working with our clients there are BIG QUESTIONS and LITTLE QUESTIONS.

The difference really, really matters.

Because answering LITTLE questions adds no value and actually hinders.

Instead, asking the BIG questions is where we add the value.

But that’s hard to do if you can’t recognise a right (BIG) question from a wrong (LITTLE) question.

So to help, below are the 5 tests you can apply to the question to identify it as either a BIG or LITTLE question.

  1. LITTLE questions tend to be ‘transactional’. They are a question on the journey to a product transaction. BIG questions are ‘human’ questions on the journey to a desired life.
  2. LITTLE questions are normally ‘technical’, i.e., ‘How can I save tax on my…’. BIG questions are ’emotional’… ‘How can I feel more secure in my retirement’.
  3. LITTLE questions are generic. ‘Is this a good investment fund?’. Whereas BIG questions are personal. ‘Do I have enough to live my best life?’
  4. LITTLE questions believe that their answer is ‘out there somewhere’ (external) – on Google, in a book, on a calculator, or in an advisers head. BIG questions know that the answer is (internal) inside the asker’s heart and soul and only they can really answer it.
  5. Because of the first four points, LITTLE questions are hard work for you. You are the performing monkey dancing for the client to show your technical worth. BIG questions are hard work for the client because they need to look into themselves emotionally for the answers, and nobody likes to do that.

Ironically, because of that resistance, BIG questions are even harder work for you because you have to drag the client to them!

So next time your client is asking you questions, run them through the test and identify whether it is a LITTLE question or a BIG question.

And if it is a little question, turn it around into a big question and fire it back. – Software, Training & Business Services for Financial Planners


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