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PlanHappy Services

Process & Workflow Automation

Automated workflows and processes can help your business operate more consistently and efficiently, allowing you to spend more time on those things that only you can do! 

How PlanHappy can make doing business easier

To help you reduce errors and provide the best service to your clients, our Gurus can help you integrate your business processes into the PlanHappy Software and automate common tasks and communications.

Our Portal has a wide range of tools for automating workflows including task threads, forms, automated communication and calendar event templates.

Personal Help & Support

You may be happy building your own processes and workflows in the software using the detailed How-To Guides and the PlanHappy Community Forum, but we appreciate it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you would like more personal help and support, our Gurus can assist to whatever degree you need.

Additional Training

Perhaps you would like additional training to help you get to grips with a particular functionality or want some technical advice on an automated workflow that you’re building.

We Do It All!

Alternatively, you may prefer that we do it all for you. We can help you to design your processes, map them out and then install them in the software ready for you and your team to use.

Workflow Automation

Check out some of the workflow automation tools and functions that are available in the portal.

Task Threads

Any function that you perform on a regular basis in your business can be configured as a task thread. These can contain a series of subtasks for each action on the process journey. 

Once triggered, the first subtask is assigned to the relevant team member along with instruction on how to undertake the work. As each subtask is completed, the next one in turn is triggered until the overarching task has been fulfilled.  

Built-In Training Guides

For each task, training videos and document guides can be integrated so they are accessible in the task itself. This means that your team always have training and guidance available at the point of use to ensure that the task is completed properly. 

This is particularly useful when new members join your team as you can provide them with detailed instructions on how to complete the task at hand, giving you the comfort of knowing that consistency and quality control is built in to your process workflow. 

Decision Logic

With each subtask, decision logic can be built-in to allow you to define the next steps in the process journey, depending on the underlying data or responses to questions posed.  

Automated actions can then be triggered, including; 

  • Skipping a task 
  • Aborting a task  
  • Triggering an alternative task thread 
  • Sending an email, secure message, letter or SMS 
  • Changing data in the client record  
  • Asking a question of the user 
  • Creating a policy record 

This allows you to install your own decision making logic into your process so your team are guided through each potential scenario to the correct outcome, reducing the likelihood of human error and providing your customer with an intuitive and relevant process journey. 

Event Templates

Templates can be built for your most common meeting types, allowing you to configure default attendees, locations, and timescales along with workflow automation that triggers when meetings are booked or attended.  

Automated actions that can be built into event templates include 

  • Automated communications to your clients vie email, secure message, letter or SMS 
  • Triggering of task threads 
  • Creation of sales opportunities 
  • Notification to attendees and collaborators 

Event templates ensure that your processes are followed correctly for every meeting and consistent communications are sent to all attendees. 


Custom forms can be built to ensure that the correct data is captured when performing certain functions. The integrated Form Builder allows for fields of many different data types including; 

  • Text, simple or detailed 
  • Dates & times 
  • Drop down lists 
  • Multi-select lists 
  • Team members  
  • Underlying data updates 

Decision logic can also be built into your forms allowing tasks to be triggered, communications to be sent, and additional forms to be presented, depending on the users input and underlying data status. 

Communication Templates

An informed client is a happy client and automated communication templates ensure that your clients are always kept up-to-date with well-structured and consistent communications as they move through the process journey.. 

Communication templates can be created for; 

  • Letters 
  • Emails 
  • Secure Messages 
  • SMS Texts 

The integrated communication template builder allows data from the underlying client record to be incorporated in the content through the use of data placeholders to ensure that all your communications are relevant and personalised. 

Prefer to call in the experts?

If you like the idea of designing, mapping and installing automated workflows and processes throughout your business but don’t envy the task of building them, our Gurus can provide tailored personal support to help you configure your system to how your business works.

Whether that is ad-hoc assistance and support to help you with the automation tools or a full design and installation service, complete the form below to start a conversation.

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